Boost Weight Loss With These Supplements for Metabolism
Published by Dr. Venn-Watson

Dr. Eric Venn-Watson’s Highlights
Since 1990, the average American has gained weight every year. If you’re doing the math, that’s three decades of weight gain.
As a result, the weight loss industry is booming. Annually, weight loss products, surgeries, and services bring in more than $70 billion per year.
Fed up with fads, many of us have turned to the tried and true methods of eating better and exercising more. That doesn’t mean we’re without additional options to help us lose the pounds. Weight loss supplements can help support your weight loss journey, making it just a little easier to get rid of those extra pounds.
If you’ve been considering a weight loss supplement but are afraid they might all be a little more hype than they are hero, we’re here to set the record straight.
We’ll discuss the benefits of weight loss supplements, which ones work (and how), and fill you in on a fatty acid that has been newly discovered as beneficial that can help support a healthier metabolism and a healthier weight.
Benefits of Weight Loss Supplements
Weight loss supplements are different from diet pills. Diet pills claim to melt away your extra weight, with little to no dietary changes or physical effort on your part.
Weight loss supplements ensure your body has what it needs to properly function, maintain the highest level of metabolism possible, and make up for any gaps in nutrition you may have if you are cutting calories.
Supplements are usually vitamins, minerals, or herbs and can be purchased over the counter, without the need for a prescription.
B Vitamins for Weight Loss
The B vitamins include eight compounds necessary for your body to carry out metabolic function. The B vitamins help your metabolism work correctly, so having them in your diet is essential for weight loss.
When you are deficient in B vitamins, you can experience symptoms like:
- Lethargy
- Sluggish metabolism
- Mental fogginess
- Gastrointestinal discomfort
- Tingling in the hands and feet
- Changes in mood like depression and anxiety
- Trouble losing weight
Most often, you’ll find that a B-complex supplement is the best solution for taking B-vitamins to support your weight loss journey.
A B-complex vitamin contains a blend of the nine B-vitamins, which are:
- B1 (thiamine)
- B2 (riboflavin)
- B3 (niacin)
- B5 (pantothenic acid)
- B6
- B7 (biotin)
- B9 (folic acid)
- B12
A B-complex supplement ensures you are getting all the B vitamins you need, but keep in mind that you may not actually be deficient in B vitamins.
If you are eating a well balanced diet, you should generally get all the B-vitamins you need. Those on restricted diets, like veganism, may have trouble getting B12, which is found mostly in meat.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is an essential vitamin that helps your body keep strong bones. It allows your body to absorb important minerals like calcium and phosphorus.
Vitamin D is also essential in helping support healthy mood levels by supporting serotonin levels.
It’s difficult to get vitamin D through your diet, but you can get all the vitamin D you need from the sun. When your body is exposed to ultraviolet rays, they interact with cholesterol in your skin cells, creating vitamin D.
If you aren’t in the sun much, you may need a vitamin D supplement.
It’s unclear what role vitamin D plays in weight loss, but research shows that obese peole have lower circulating levels of vitamin D in their bodies than those who are able to maintain a healthy weight.
Additionally, when a person loses weight, their vitamin D level increases, further supporting the fact that a higher circulating vitamin D level is essential for healthy weight maintenance.
Iron helps turn the nutrients in your blood into energy, which is not only important for your body to continue functioning properly, but also for encouraging you to move more.
An integral part of any weight loss plan includes burning calories through aerobic activity. You need energy to do this effectively. If you are restricting your diet to lose weight, you run the risk of not getting enough iron, which could lead to loss of energy and even anemia.
Symptoms of anemia are fatigue, feeling weak, and lethargy.
Before taking an iron supplement, make sure you actually need one. A simple blood test can verify whether you need additional iron in your diet. Iron can cause constipation, so if you don’t have to take it, you shouldn’t.
Magnesium plays an important role in the way your body creates energy. It also interacts with the receptors in your brain that control the release of melatonin, which can help support a healthy night’s sleep.
Sleep plays a crucial role in weight loss, ensuring you have enough energy to power through your day without relying on excess calories.
Magnesium supplements can help support healthy weight loss, but tread lightly. Taking a magnesium supplement can give you some unpleasant gastrointestinal side effects.
How Did We Get This Way?
Before you begin a diet and weight loss plan, or consider any weight loss supplements, you might wonder how this even happened. Excess weight doesn’t happen overnight, and we are steadily getting unhealthier each year.
The problem with the American diet started in the 1970s. Heart disease had become the number one killer, so the government released dietary guidelines that advised us to avoid all types of fat.
Over the next several decades, we decreased the amount of fat in our diets four fold. The result? We ended up heavier and sicker than ever, with occurrences of childhood obesity on the rise.
The fact is, we got it wrong. Not all fat is bad, and the decrease of all fat in our diet led to negative health markers that have kept us sick and overweight for an entire generation.
We are now plagued with:
- High cholesterol
- Insulin resistance
- High blood pressure
- Excess weight, especially in the midsection
These conditions, collectively called “metabolic syndrome,” place you at a higher risk for developing heart disease and stroke. Not to mention they keep you loaded with excess pounds that can be hard to lose.
Not All Fat is Bad
Thankfully, the times are changing. What began as finding new ways to improve the health and welfare of older dolphins has developed into science that can help benefit the human body and protect us against negative health markers.†*
As it turns out, not all fat is bad. The discovery of pentadecanoic acid, an odd-chain, saturated fatty acid, has changed the rules about fat.
Pentadecanoic acid, also called C15:0 (pronounced see-fifteen), helps support your metabolism and healthy weight on a cellular level.*
Elevate your cells. Elevate your self.
C15:0 works by:†*
- Strengthening your cells. When our cells age, we age. The older our cells become, the more fragile they get, leaving them susceptible to external damage and loss of function. When our cells lose function, processes like metabolism slow down. C15:0 works by digging into cell membranes, fortifying them and keeping them strong and protected from external stressors.
- Boosting mitochondria function. Your cells are powered by their mitochondria. When the mitochondria don’t produce as much cellular energy, cells become sluggish, leaving us feeling sluggish, too. C15:0 helps increase mitochondrial function, giving your cells the energy they need to fuel your body.
- Metabolism gets the ultimate boost with C15:0. By interacting and binding with receptors in your body called PPARs that control metabolism, C15:0 helps make sure your metabolism is balanced and working properly.
C15:0 is a great supplement for helping support healthy metabolism and weight maintenance.* It also supports your liver function and red blood cell health, so you take care of your entire body from the cells up.*
How To Get C15:0 in Your Diet
Because C15:0 is found in trace amounts in full fat dairy products like whole milk and full fat butter, you may not be getting much of it in your diet. Further, these foods come with much higher levels of even-chain saturated fats (like C16:0), which continue to be associated with inflammatory and cardiometabolic conditions. †
You can get just the good fat, C15:0, into your body and straight to your cells in a once a day, easy to take capsule called fatty15.
Fatty15 is the first and only supplement to deliver FA15™ (the vegan-friendly, pure powder and free fatty acid form of C15:0) to your cells, giving them a fighting chance as they age.*
The Bottom Line
Many supplements claim they will help you lose weight, but ultimately, weight loss is a multi-faceted event that includes a healthy diet, exercise, and supplements that help support your body’s proper function.
Fatty15 can help you balance your metabolism and become proactive in caring for your cells, which can help support you on a weight loss journey.*
Top 9 Things to Know About the Weight Loss Industry|Market Research

Eric Venn-Watson M.D.
CEO, Co-Founder
Senior Scientist, Co-Founder
Eric is a physician, U.S. Navy veteran, and Co-founder and COO of Seraphina Therapeutics. Eric served over 25 years as a Navy and Marine Corps physician, working with the special forces community to improve their health and fitness. Seraphina Therapeutics is a health and wellness company dedicated to advancing global health through the discovery of essential fatty acids and micronutrient therapeutics.
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