What Is C15:0 Fatty Acid? A Comprehensive Guide
Published by Dr. Venn-Watson

Dr. Eric Venn-Watson’s Highlights
- C15:0 is a newly discovered essential fatty acid that helps support longevity and healthspan. If you don’t have enough circulating C15:0 in your body, you could develop a deficiency known as Cellular Fragility Syndrome. Fixing Cellular Fragility Syndrome is as simple as increasing your C15:0 levels with fatty15®, the first and only pure, patented, and award-winning C15:0 supplement.
There’s a new nutrient on the block named pentadecanoic acid, or C15:0 for short. While the discovery of this fatty acid happened somewhat by chance, we now know that not having enough of it circulating in our bodies is directly linked with some of the most problematic health conditions.
Not many people have a working knowledge of essential fatty acids (unless they are scientists, nutritionists, or just enjoy geeking out on dietary information). We’ll explain what C15:0 is, where and how it works, and how it stacks up against other dietary fatty acids.
We’ll also talk about what happens when your body doesn’t have enough of it and how you can make sure your C15:0 levels are within optimum range.
What Is C15:0?
Nearly 20 years ago, researchers studying populations of Navy dolphins discovered that one group of dolphins had fewer occurrences of age-related illnesses than other populations. As it turns out, these dolphins had a higher level of pentadecanoic acid (C15:0 for short) due to their particular diets.
They took their research further, studying the effects of C15:0 on human cells. They were not surprised to learn that the same benefits that were available to the dolphins were also available to us. In 2020, Dr. Stephanie Venn-Watson published her research in Nature Scientific Reports, providing evidence to support C15:0 as an essential fatty acid, the first to be discovered in over 90 years
So what is this dolphin and human helping fatty acid? Let’s dive deeper.
C15:0 is an odd-chain saturated fatty acid. While we’ve been told that fat (especially saturated fat) is bad for us, science says that is not true.
While some saturated fats (known as even-chain) are consistently associated with negative health outcomes, another class of fatty acids (including C15:0) have been found to be beneficial and essential for our health. Essential means our bodies need the nutrients to thrive but cannot readily make them on their own. Therefore, we must get these fatty acids from our diet or supplements.
Due to this discovery, there are now calls to action to update current dietary guidelines to differentiate between “good” and “bad” saturated fats.
Benefits for Your Cells
The benefits of C15:0 start at the cellular level and extend throughout the entire body. The health of our bodies starts inside our cells. If our cells are healthy, our tissues, organs, and bodies will be healthy.
Scientists who study longevity and aging have identified 12 mechanisms within our cells that cause our bodies to biologically age. These mechanisms are called the hallmarks of aging. C15:0 addresses 6 of the 12 mechanisms, more than a popular medication (rapamycin) that has been studied for its longevity-protective benefits.
C15:0 supports cells by:
Improving the strength of cell membranes. C15:0 is a sturdy fatty acid that armors our cell membranes against age-related breakdown. Studies have shown that pure C15:0 improves cellular strength by 80%.
Clearing damaged cells. By activating AMPK, C15:0 helps eliminate “zombie” cells that can cause inflammation in the body. By doing so, C15:0 significantly calms and lowers proinflammatory cytokines, a key driver of aging.
Fixing our sluggish mitochondria. C15:0 repairs mitochondrial function, increasing our cell’s energy output and decreasing damaging reactive oxygen species by 45%. In one peer-reviewed study, ATP (energy) output by up to 350%.
Restoring homeostasis. By activating AMPK, C15:0 also restores cellular and whole-body homeostasis, regulates glucose uptake, and calms our immune systems.
- Binding to PPARɑ and PPARẟ receptors. By activating these receptors, C15:0 has been shown in peer-reviewed studies to support metabolic, immune, heart, and liver health in relevant models. These receptors also help to improve mood and deepen sleep.
The benefits start in your cells, but that’s not where they end. Multiple studies have been published recently by top-tier academic institutions, including two recent clinical trials reporting on the benefits of C15:0 to heart, liver, and metabolic health.
Benefits for Your Body
As the body of research around C15:0 grows (there are now over 100 peer-reviewed publications supporting the benefits of C15:0), we are learning more about how this fatty acid benefits our bodies and supports our long-term health goals.
C15:0 has been shown to:
- Lower “bad” LDL cholesterol
- Improve liver enzymes
- Improve the gut microbiome
- Reverse Cellular Fragility Syndrome
Cellular Fragility Syndrome is likely a new term to most readers. This isn’t surprising because it was only recently discovered that C15:0 is an essential fatty acid. In 2024, it was discovered that not having enough C15:0 in our bodies leads to a nutrient deficiency called Cellular Fragility Syndrome.
Understanding Cellular Fragility Syndrome
The discovery of a new nutrient deficiency is big news because nutrient deficiencies are rare in developed countries. Unfortunately, it is estimated that one in three people worldwide suffer from Cellular Fragility Syndrome (CFS), but almost none of them know it. Fortunately, once a deficiency syndrome is identified, it can be easily treated.
What Is CFS?
CFS is caused by having not enough C15:0 in the body. New research shows that low levels of C15:0 can result in fragile cells that accelerate cellular aging and increase the risk of developing chronic metabolic, heart, and liver conditions.
It isn’t surprising that many people suffer globally from CFS. Population-wide C15:0 levels have been declining over the past generation, primarily due to outdated dietary guidelines that have told people to avoid all fat.
The Impact of CFS
CFS doesn’t just cause your cells to become fragile and weak. It has also recently been linked to a mysterious type of cell death called ferroptosis. Ferroptosis was discovered by Columbia University researchers in 2012, but the cause of ferroptosis has remained a mystery.
While over 10,000 peer-reviewed papers have been published on ferroptosis, which accelerates aging and the onset and progression of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cognitive decline, and fatty liver disease, no one has been able to explain how ferroptosis showed up in the first place, until now.
Can CFS Be Repaired?
The good news is that, yes, CFS is reversible simply by increasing the level of C15:0 in a person’s body. But how much C15:0 do people currently have in their bodies, and what is the best way to restore their levels?
The Longevity Nutrient
One comprehensive resource on C15:0 to check out is The Longevity Nutrient by Stephanie Venn-Watson. In this book, Dr. Venn-Watson tells the story of this discovery and examines the paradigm shifting implications for human health and aging. She presents the easy, practical steps for you to responsibly bring this essential C15:0 fat into your life to improve your long-term health and wellness.
What Are Optimal C15:0 Levels?
Optimal levels of C15:0 should be >0.2% of total fatty acids. Specifically, a level that measures between 0.2% and 0.4% is considered a healthy, normal range, and is beneficial in protecting against CFS. However, there is evidence that higher levels of C15:0 can further support longevity and long-term heart health.
A prospective cohort study that followed more than 4,000 people over 16 years showed that those with C15:0 levels between 0.40% and 0.55% had the lowest risk of developing heart disease.
In addition, studies of people living in the Blue Zone of Sardinia, Italy, found that their levels of C15:0 were about three times higher than the worldwide average, weighing in at around 0.64% of their total fatty acid count. Blue Zones are areas in the world where residents consistently live to be 100+ and remain active and healthy.
Finding Out Your Levels
To find out your level of C15:0, you’ll need a blood test that measures your total fatty acid count. You can ask your healthcare provider to order a panel or head over here to order an easy-to-use, at-home testing kit.
This kit requires a finger-prick blood sample, which is sent to our partner lab for testing. Once you get the results, you’re ready to start focusing on your long-term health goals and making some serious investments into your longevity.
How Can I Increase My C15:0 Intake?
Most dietary deficiencies are corrected through consuming different foods that contain the missing nutrient, taking a supplement, or both. C15:0 is found primarily in whole-fat dairy products like whole milk and full-fat butter. Most of us have been drinking skim milk for decades, which explains why our C15:0 levels may be so low.
Unfortunately, increasing our intake of whole milk and butter, while delicious, may not be the best answer. Instead, a supplement is a better option.
Supplemental C15:0 Is Ready To Absorb
In milk (and other foods), C15:0 is attached to branches of lipids called triacylglycerides, aka triglycerides. That means our gut has to use digestive enzymes to break down these triacylglycerides to release C15:0 as a free fatty acid.
Once C15:0 is released, it is ready to be absorbed. These multiple steps can make our absorption of C15:0 from foods less efficient.
No Bad Fats
In a supplement, C15:0 is not mixed with bad, even chain saturated fat. While the good C15:0 fatty acid is present in whole-fat dairy products in trace levels, there are much higher levels of 'bad' even-chain saturated fatty acids that continue to be associated with poorer health.
That is probably why studies evaluating the effects of milk on our health are mixed (some say dairy fat is bad for us, while others say it is good for us).
No Excess Calories
Whole-fat dairy products provide a wallop of calories, including sugars (aka lactose). The calories in whole-fat milk likely explain why a large-scale recent study showed that adults who drink more dairy milk are more likely to have a higher body weight. If you’re attempting to lose weight or simply maintain your current weight, adding more calories to your diet isn’t a win.
No Cows
Consuming dairy products involves, well, cows. If you are vegan or driven by a desire to use more animal-free products to preserve the environment, consuming dairy isn’t a viable option for getting your C15:0. Just so you know, plant-based milk is completely void of C15:0.
A solution? Fatty15.
Elevate your cells. Elevate your self.
Buy NowFatty15 is the first and only supplement that contains the pure, patented, vegan-friendly, and award-winning version of C15:0 known as FA15™. This once-daily supplement is already in its most bioavailable free fatty acid form and contains just one calorie. No cows, added sugar, or unwanted fats, just the pure C15:0 you need.
Get To Know Fatty15
Now you’re in the know about the latest essential fatty acid. When you know better, you can do better. Get to know fatty15 and learn how you can support your health span and increase your longevity by simply restoring your C15:0 levels.
Your body needs C15:0 to thrive, and you can give your body what it needs with fatty15.

Eric Venn-Watson M.D.
CEO, Co-Founder
Senior Scientist, Co-Founder
Eric is a physician, U.S. Navy veteran, and Co-founder and COO of Seraphina Therapeutics. Eric served over 25 years as a Navy and Marine Corps physician, working with the special forces community to improve their health and fitness. Seraphina Therapeutics is a health and wellness company dedicated to advancing global health through the discovery of essential fatty acids and micronutrient therapeutics.
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